On October 5 at 5.00 pm, as part of Le Giornate del Cinema Muto in Pordenone, a new presentation will be held between Cineteca Milano and VIGAMUS Foundation to show other images and details on “BEHIND THE LIGHT – The Extraordinary Life of Luca Comerio”, the applied game developed by Idra Interactive Studios and dedicated to the adventurous life of the pioneer of cinema Luca Comerio. “BEHIND THE LIGHT – The Extraordinary Life of Luca Comerio”, the applied game developed by Idra Interactive Studios based on an original idea by Cineteca Milano to promote and disseminate its mission, its collections, its Museum to the younger audience, aims to educate the players, but also to entertain them through a series of challenges and minigames. Behind the Light will revive the adventurous life of Luca Comerio (1878-1940), famous photographer, filmmaker and Italian director, pioneer of the documentary and film industry. He followed the First World War as a photojournalist, experimented with all the most innovative shooting techniques, including KinemaColor to reproduce colors, reckless and adventurous witness of History in contact with the greatest characters from the early twentieth century. Cineteca Milano preserves a lot of its precious films that it has digitally restored, as a fundamental heritage of Italian cinema.
The presentation can be viewed at the following link (29.35 minute mark): https://www.facebook.com/pordenonesilent/videos/354997399693877