Idra Interactive Studios is proud to announce Behind the Light: The Extraordinary Life of Luca Comerio has been awarded a…
We are happy to announce that Code#DNA, our applied game developed for the Department of Biology of the University of…
On Sunday, October 24th at 4:00 PM “Behind the Light: The Extraordinary Life of Luca Comerio”, the applied game developed…
On Thursday, November 4th at 12:00 PM “Behind the Light: The Extraordinary Life of Luca Comerio” will be presented within…
On October 5 at 5.00 pm, as part of Le Giornate del Cinema Muto in Pordenone, a new presentation will…
Behind the Light presented at the Venice International Film Festival As part of the 78th Venice International Film Festival, organized…
Code#DNA, the applied game developed by Idra Interactive Studios in cooperation with the Department of Biology of the University of…
At Rome Video Game Lab 2020, held on November 4th, the official trailer and a video pitch of Code#DNA were revealed. Idra…
On Tuesday, August 25th at 5:30 PM, Vigamus Academy and Idra Interactive Studios unveiled Code#DNA at devcom digital conference 2020….